Selasa, 02 Februari 2010


Hey readers! I'm NEW here .. :)
hey, my name is ALIKA ADZHANI, I'm 12 years old. born at RS. MEDISRTA, JAKARTA. I love to LAUGHING, TELL SOME JOKE to my friend. I love to SWIMMING!, hehe. hmm.. maybe i can tell you some of my 'jayus' story. okay, i hate vegetables, especially for BROCCOLI, hoeeek, i hate broccoli!!. And i got trauma when i write 'sirloin steak' at the piece of paper. and the sirloin steak was come. and when i eat one 'aaaaa' the steak stuck at my teeth. HUH, it's happened for a long times. and i got trauma, this is me, i hate meat :P

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